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March 2020 Rabbi Shafrin's Article

Raising Our Voices

As March begins, we see one of my favorite holidays on the horizon: Purim. I love Purim. I like the silliness of a good schtick and the fun of getting into costume. I like joining together with our community and celebrating with humor, joy, food, dancing, and happiness, just because we can. I like seeing the smiles on children’s faces as they shake a gragger or taste a hamantaschen. And I absolutely love our USYers who spend an unthinkable amount of time and energy putting together the most exciting and fantastic Purim carnival each and every year.

But what hits me the most deeply during Purim is the story itself. It is one of the few books in the Tanach that has absolutely no mention of God’s name. And yet, it is still one of the most powerful stories in the Jewish canon. In his discussion of the laws of Purim, Maimonides teaches: 

In the Messianic era, all of the biblical books of the Prophets and Writings will be nullified, with the exception of the Book of Esther. It will continue to exist, as will the Torah and the Oral Law, which will never be nullified (Mishneh Torah, Laws of Megillah, 2:18). 

How can it be that the only book outside of the Torah to remain in the Messianic Age would have no mention of God? The miracle that happened on Purim has nothing to do with God and everything to do with people speaking truth to power. When enough people, acting in the interest of the public good, and speaking together for justice confront those in power, we can force them to act in ways that support justice and defeat hatred, bias, and cruelty.

This month, we can do this in a number of ways. Right now, and through March 21, you can vote in the World Zionist Congress Elections. These elections help progressive Jewish voices hold sway in the Land of Israel and connect all Jews and supporters of Israel, representing a vision of a strong and united Jewish People. I strongly encourage everyone to vote online as soon as you can at

Here in Missouri, we will have our state presidential primary coming up on March 10, Purim Day. Could there be any more fortuitous aligning of the Jewish calendar and the secular? On the day we will re-read the story of one person, Esther, standing up to hatred, oppression, injustice, and seemingly certain annihilation for the Jewish People, we get the chance to make our voices heard and vote for who we think will lead our nation into the most just, free, healthy nation over the next four years. 

However you feel about any particular issue or candidate, it is important that all who are eligible go and vote, help others to vote, raise up the voices of those who have been historically unheard, and make sure that all of us are accounted for by the leadership of our nation. Just as Esther stood up and made her voice heard, so too are we responsible for speaking our own truth to those in power, for standing up for the people and causes that are important to us, and for directing the path of our nation toward justice, peace, and freedom for all. So get out, get organized, share your voice, and vote!

Sun, May 19 2024 11 Iyyar 5784